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Wrongful Death Attorneys in Maui, Hawaii
If one of your loved ones has died after an unfortunate accident or injury caused by negligence or misconduct of others, you may have a wrongful death claim against the person or people responsible.
No one should lose their loved ones before their time.
That person responsible could be anyone, from the car driver at fault in a crash to the business owner who failed to secure the premises of their business place. Claims for wrongful death on Maui should be filed to provide financial support for surviving family members and others.

after losing your loved one
Funeral Costs & Other Expenses
Gathering Evidence If Necessary
Though the police do their best, sometimes they don’t get all the critical information. There can never be enough information to look over. Something small now may be critical later on.
Establishing The Estate
In order to assert your loved one’s interests, as well as your own related wrongful death claims, you’ll need to establish your loved one’s estate through probate. Oftentimes a personal representative–usually the surviving spouse or another family member–will assume the duties of the personal representative of the estate.
Start The Insurance Claims Process
Depending on the type of wrongful death claim–such as a car accident or slip and fall–there may be insurance coverage available.
Consult With A Wrongful Death Attorney
Losing a loved one is nothing short of devastating and the last thing on your mind is hiring a lawyer when all you are focusing on is dealing with grief. When you’re ready to discuss your rights and circumstances of filing a legal case, contact the right kind of attorney to talk about your loss. Our legal team in Maui is here to help. We’ll listen with compassion and patience.
Settle Your Case or File A Lawsuit
Sometimes a lawsuit isn’t necessary to settle your case. Your attorney will help you make the decision to attempt to settle “pre-suit” rather than filing a formal lawsuit. Even if pre-suit settlement is appropriate, the time to settle will vary, but will usually occur after your attorney can properly calculate your damages. Settling prematurely will only lead to less justice and compensation than what’s warranted.
what we do
We take the guess work out of the process. Locally based with deep roots in the community, our Maui lawyers will help you with identify applicable insurance, handle all relevant insurance claims, reduce or eliminate the unpleasant amount of paperwork, and assist you with your treatment plans.
With years of experience representing injured clients, we offer a guiding hand to stabilize your life immediately after you’re hurt. When ready, we proceed with litigating the case either pre-suit or with a lawsuit if necessary.
Your case is unique, with its own nuances and details. We try to learn all those details so that we can step into your shoes to try and understand how the crash and injuries affected your life to best fight on your behalf with strength and compassion.
If your loved one has suffered wrongful death on Maui, contact our legal team for legal advice as soon as possible.
what are my wrongful death damages?
If you or a member of your family have lost a loved one due to a person’s conduct, you can seek compensation for the following losses:
- Loss of society, companionship, comfort, consortium, or protection;
- Loss of marital care, attention, advice, or counsel;
- Loss of care, attention, advice, or counsel of a reciprocal beneficiary;
- Loss of filial care or attention;
- Loss of parental care, training, guidance, or education, suffered as a result of the death of the person.
When a wrongful death on Maui occurs, you’ll need quick answers from your lawyer.
We understand nothing can be more frustrating than not hearing from your attorney, especially when going through such an intense loss.
At Lowenthal & Lowenthal, we value and emphasize clear and constant communication with our clients and will always be ready to speak with you about your case.
other questions
Is There a Time Limit to Pursue My Case
Yes – many times the statute of limitations is two years from the date of injury. Schedule an immediate consultation with one of our personal injury attorneys on Maui so that we can review your case to ensure preservation of your legal rights.
How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Maui Personal Injury Lawyer?
We work on contingency fees for our personal injury cases, meaning that we’ll only receive a fee once we either reach a settlement or win at trial. Beyond legal fees, there are other unavoidable costs including filing fees, photocopying, postage, delivery fees, depositions, and transcripts. However, we will provide those costs on your behalf and deduct them from any settlement or trial proceeds. In the event there is no award, we’ll receive no fee.
What Documents Do I Need for My Personal Injury Claims on Maui?
Why Do I Need A Maui Personal Injury Attorney?
There are significant issues at stake when pursuing a personal injury case. How does insurance coverage work? Which insurance adjuster do I talk to? If the case proceeds to trial, how will I know the rules of court? How do I get medical treatment? Having a personal injury attorney on Maui is invaluable to ensure you are protected during any personal injury proceedings.
Who Pays for My Loved Ones Personal Injury Medical Fees?
The type of personal injury case determines who will pay for your medical treatment. Often times, multiple insurance carriers are involved. In this case, the situation can quickly become overwhelming because of the amount of paperwork and adjusters contacting you. If you decide to retain us as your personal injury lawyer, we’ll take over all communication and make sure you get the coverage you need.
Because of My Injuries, I Lost Time at Work. Will I Be Compensated for My Wage Loss?
Wage loss is compensable in a personal injury case. We’ll work with your employer to retrieve all the necessary information to maximize the chances of your recovery.

Schedule a consultation to discuss your case with one of our attorneys.
Please fill out the form below; our legal team will get back to you within 24 hours.
*Please note this does not create an attorney-client relationship.
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The information presented on this website is for information purposes only and should not be used as a basis of legal advise or guidance. Using this website does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please contact us to see whether we are able to represent you.